Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health Security for America: Teach-in on Health Insurance Reform

A health insurance reform teach-in will feature presentations by four local experts on health insurance reform and related issues: Charles Gessert (MD, MPH); Buddy Robinson (Minnesota Citizens Federation); Patrick Schoenfelder (MD); and Jennifer Schultz (Health Care Economics, UMD). The event is free and open to the public.

Moderating the event will be Kathy Heltzer (Social Work, UMD).

The event is sponsored by a coalition of fifteen local organizations including unions, religious groups, social justice agencies, and medical professionals.

Not since the Truman administration have the fundamental issues of health insurance policy been so open to discussion. As costs of health insurance rise, employers are shifting costs onto individual families. More and more families are losing coverage and facing bankruptcy. America is now engaged in a debate of historic importance. The teach-in at UMD is a part of this national conversation.