Well today I continue to layout the paper.
I'm hoping to include some comics drawn by Donny Morris about Juneteenth. Donny is very talented. I also included a July 4th drawing created by one of the children at Kid's Cafe at the Domiano Center.
I didn't even know Donny drew cartoons until I saw them on his Facebook page. I love Facebook. It can be a sinkhole of time. But on the other hand I have chatted with people who I would never phoned up out of the blue. I don't have to worry that I am bothering someone because they are already online.
Scott and Wendy are helping proof the pages I already have done.
If you would like to help proof just shot me an email.
Tomorrow I will be printing out 11 by 17 galley sheets for anyone who wants to proof the lifesize real thing.
Sometimes goofs are easier to spot on paper than on a computer screen.