Thursday, April 29, 2010

Duluth can be a hip, civil town

Summer is coming soon, the weather is very nice, and the flowers and grass are growing. As things come back to life, a question came up about Duluth also growing younger and more hip. Based on the local theater, restaurant, and music scenes, I would say “yes.” I love to see local companies putting forward a fantastic product. I have been to the Renegade improv shows and they are really funny. If you are awake at 10:30 and want to laugh, go to the Teatro Zuccone on Friday or Saturday night. Pizza Luce is a great example of a hip restaurant, and the music scene is alive and well. The Homegrown Festival is coming up; check out a band or two if you can.

On Tax Day, two rallies happened here in the city. The Tea Party and the Anti War rally were both very civil. This was free democracy at its finest. Both rallies had a good crowd, and when the Anti War march went to the Tea Party rally it was still civil. There was no violence and very little yelling. The MC for the Tea Party rally was respectful to the march and told everyone else to show respect. I am proud to be a Duluthian when I see the amount of respect people have for others with different opinions.

Things are getting busy in the city, and summer is the time for outdoor events. Camping with the family is always on the agenda for me when I have time. Remember to grab a Hillsider and have some reading material for the long trips ahead.


Yeazle is active in many community-based organizations. He is the chair of TPAC, a board member of Duluth Neighborhood Housing Services, vice-president of the Hillsider board, treasurer of the Central Hillside Community Club, serves on the Human Rights Commission, and is active in many other committees working to eradicate poverty and injustice.