Monday, August 02, 2010

Tony Salls (I) State Representative 7B Candidate

The Hillsider candidate statements - Minnesota State Representative for District 7B

I am running because I love Duluth and this great state that we live in. Unfortunately, we have some real problems.

Knowing the problems of the past session and understanding all too well the budget crisis that faces us, all we have heard people talk about are the problems. No one seems to be focusing on the solutions.

I have a view from the middle. There are things that I like on both sides of the aisle and some things that I don’t. Running as an Independent means that I have the flexibility to support the best ideas. I can work with both parties to make the best policies.

Our government projects a budget deficit, which amounts to $1200 per every single Minnesotan. This figure is not the cost of our government, just the shortfall of our current policies. During this session, St. Paul sent IOUs rather than solving the problems.

With such large problems looming, this election is about seeking solutions. For us, this election is about the exchange of ideas; the ability to put into action by working together to make our government sustainable.

As a society, 60 percent of us stand in the middle. We conduct ourselves so as to honor the people and institutions we serve. We rise in the morning, go to work and do the best job we can. We are good neighbors, good citizens and care for those around us. We are the middle and we are inclusive of all people.

The Independence Party gave me this opportunity to stand up and say we want to be represented. Perhaps we’re old-fashioned, but we believe that representation should be by the people, for the people.
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