My vision for our St. Louis County Attorney’s Office is built on “Integrity Rooted in Community.”
This is my home, this is our home; you know the work that I’ve done. For 30 years, I have been your prosecutor. My experience will ensure that as your county attorney, the chief prosecutor for St. Louis County, we will continue seeking justice and working to keep you safe…together.
We will do this through the strong and fair prosecution of offenders and collaboration with law enforcement. I will exercise respectful leadership as we do the work, because we believe it will make a difference.
The endorsements of the Duluth Police Union and Deputy Sheriff’s Association for the entire County tell you, the voters, who the women and men entrusted to protect and serve us want and trust as their leader.
Respect, fairness and the dignity of all people are values that have shaped and defined my career. These shared values are deeply rooted in the communities in which we serve.
We will be there to work with and for our elected county leaders and department heads, providing the best counsel and ensuring the right questions are asked…and answered, again reflecting our deeply rooted values and understanding of the law.
Advocacy and support for victims of the crimes we prosecute will not be compromised. Our efforts in child protection and juvenile prosecution give life to our statutory roles of doing our part to keep our families healthy, strong and safe.
I have a passion for this work and for the people we serve…I believe we can do better…together. Our agenda for the next four years and beyond will be to provide the leadership to carry out the responsibilities entrusted to us…with exemplary fairness, strength, and dignity.