Saturday, May 30, 2009

Create a spoken word performance and receive a stipend

Justin Timberlake, J.Lo & Brittney vs. HIV news

By Maggie Kazel

AIDS Info Duluth
Justin Timberlake … why do I know his name? It’s odd to me that I hear all about Justin, J Lo, Britney and other folks I’ll likely never meet every time I pick up a paper, turn on radio or computer. Pop culture news is inescapable. But what about public health news?

Youth face a much different world than their parents. Never before in U.S. history has there been the startling statistic that one in four teenagers has an STD, a sexually transmitted disease. By the time today’s teenagers reach the ripe old age of 25, that statistic will change – 1 in 2 will have an STD. Amazing. And one of those diseases is HIV. Understand that every 27 hours another Minnesotan becomes HIV positive.

AIDS is described as a severe stage of HIV illness. And when a person receives medical care, HIV can be managed as a chronic illness for many years – witness Magic Johnson.
AIDS Info Duluth will be at Juneteenth in Central Hillside Park. A special FYI for Youth: Paid stipends are available for participants in our Juneteenth Spoken Word Event! Call 720-6385 or stop by the office on the second floor, Gloria Dei Church to sign up.

If you are between the ages of 13 and 64, U.S. Center for Disease wants you to have an HIV test as part of your annual physical exam if you are sexually active. AIDS Info Duluth offers free HIV testing.

We’re a mobile society. It’s important to know what HIV is and how to protect yourself. Every 9 and ½ minutes in the U.S. someone becomes HIV+.
That’s often, am I right? Does Justin Timberlake know this? Well, if he’s reading the Hillsider, now he does. Learn more at