Friday, October 30, 2009

Mary Cameron

At Large school board candidate answers The Hillsider questionnaire (vote for two)

See questionnaire here

1. Most important responsibility
The most important role of a school board is to set policy that coincides with the vision that has been set with community input. The vision should reflect the direction the school district wishes to move toward i.e., equity across the district, closing academic achievement gap, ability to allow for teachers to attend workshops and conferences to learn about best practices, state of the art classrooms, energy efficient buildings/classrooms, etc.
2. Nutritional health
I strongly believe that it is the board’s/administration’s responsibility to assure that our students do have healthy meal choices. We’ve had students come to board meetings and express this specific issue. We listened and made changes in lunch choices as well as what is available in the vending machines.
3. Red Plan and soothing divides
I strongly support the continuation of the Long Range Facilities Plan. This plan will allow for us to allocate money to classrooms as opposed to out-dated buildings and under-utilized space. It will provide state of the art technology and equity across the district. The LRFP is simply one of several contributing means to an end -the end being a quality and equitable education for all students. Other means to that end are staff, parents and community.
I support having community meetings to bring about peace once the board is seated.
4. Federal No Child Left Behind Act
No Child Left Behind represents the piece of federal legislation that has the most involvement in school districts. It has the capability of closing schools, turning them into charter schools or having the government run them. No Child Left Behind places sanctions on schools and school districts for not meeting adequate yearly progress.
I do not necessarily believe that this is the best measurement of success for our students.
5. Weapons policy/small pocket knives?
Absolutely not. There is no need for a student to carry a pocket knife in school.
6. What role does the U.S. Constitution play in school board decisions?
Despite the extreme growth of the federal role in public education, their role has not strayed far from what their original intent was: to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.
Education is primarily a state and local responsibility in the U.S. Communities, as well as public and private organizations develop their curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation.
7. Class size
With the continued implementation of the Long Range Facility Plan, we will be able to reduce our class sizes.