Friday, October 02, 2009

West Duluth Neighborhood Hero Karin Swor

By Linda Mathiasen for West Duluth Neighborhood Club

Karin has been a resident of the City of Duluth all of her life. She has lived in nine neighborhoods and has volunteered in every one of them. Her passion and commitment to making Duluth a better place to live and work is evident as she provided 24 examples of leadership in a variety of arenas. Karin’s activities range from scouting, soccer, community clubs and alumni associations to honorary member of the Combined Duluth Honor Guard, board director of West Duluth Business & Civic Club, secretary of West Duluth Women’s Club, chairman for West Duluth American Legion and the Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities. Currently Karin, an avid crochet crafter, is busy crocheting Skull Hats for our soldiers to wear when they are deployed; these Skull Hats are worn under their helmets.

An excerpt from one of her nominations described Karin’s willingness to be engaged in her community: “…the greatest thing about Karin is not that she sits on these committees but that she is an active volunteer with each of them. Each organization she is a part of, quickly realizes how much of an asset she is to their committee or board. Not only is Karin proud of our local veterans but Karin is a West Duluthian through and through and she will never let me forget it!”
Karin has three children, Robbie, Amie, and Jon and nine grandchildren (seven boys and two girls) ages one year to 19 years. Thank you Karin for all you do for West Duluth, the City of Duluth and beyond.