Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sand collection efforts help maintain water quality

The City of Duluth, Utility Operations set up Road Sand Collection sites a couple of months ago and requested the public's help to sweep, collect, and drop off sand used on sidewalks and driveways during the winter. The request yielded a record twenty-three cubic yards of material, more than two large dump truck loads. Previous years have yielded about 20 cubic yards.

This is sand which would have otherwise been washed off the streets and into the storm sewer system, which leads directly to our streams and Lake Superior. The road sand can damage sensitive trout habitat by filling in trout spawning areas with sediment.

“Our community cares and takes great pride in keeping our water resources clean and sustainable. Citizen participation is critical to ensure we maintain the high quality of water we all enjoy,” says Chris Kleist, the City’s Project Coordinator.

The City of Duluth thanks residents and businesses who helped collect and deposit road sand at the collection sites.

The City also reminds residents that catch basins lead directly to our streams and Lake Superior and not to the treatment plant. Please do not dump anything into them. Contact the City of Duluth at 730-4130 during business hours or 730-4100 on evenings and weekends to report any illegal discharge or dumping.