Monday, December 28, 2009

Shoveling sidewalks critical in winter

By Maypakou Ly
City of Duluth
It is snow season and even a couple of inches sometimes pose a barrier. For those individuals trying to get around town, snow-covered ,slick sidewalks create a hazardous situation. As community members, we can all do our part to ensure safe passage on sidewalks for our family, friends, neighbors, or customers. People tend to focus on streets during a snowfall, but the reality is that it is equally important to clean off sidewalks. That responsibility belongs to everyone.

Duluth City ordinance (Section 45, Article VI) requires that all residents (whether you own, lease, or rent a property) clear their sidewalks within 24 hours following any snowfall. Residents should clear a path with a minimum width of 36 inches. Residents may be assessed a fine if they do not remove snow from their sidewalks and the City Public Works staff find it necessary to take care of it for you.

You can be a partner in ensuring safe mobility for everyone. Snow is expected in the Northland and is unavoidable, but everyone has a responsibility as a member of the community to help keep sidewalks clean. It’s required by city ordinance but most importantly, doing so demonstrates courtesy to your neighbors, friends and family.

The city code is available by visiting the Go to the website, click on Municode Library, then click on Minnesota, and then Duluth, click on Duluth Legislative code. Enter key words of sidewalk and snow.

General information on street maintenance during the winter is available on the city’s Winter Watch website at