Monday, September 03, 2007

Tony Salls, candidate for city concil "At -Large" answers "The Hillsider" questionnaire

Click Here to see the Questionnaire

1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

This is the part where I tell you how much I love Duluth. I grew up in Silver Bay and the last place I ever thought I would be is in Duluth. In 1990 I moved here on a 3 month plan, sober up, get my life in order and hit the Cities hard. The people here, changed that for me by living a way of life that had much more meaning.

2) Family: With my spouse Kristi we raise 9 children from the ages of 14 years to 15 months. The common questions answered: yes they are all ours, one wife, one husband, 5 boys ,4 girls, I would not trade any of them for anything.

3) Educational background: UMD and Vermillion Community College

4) Employment background: Food and Beverage Manager for Ledge Rock Grill at Larsmont Cottages, You want to feel really good about living in Duluth listen to a tourist some time as they stare out over the Lake. 10 years with Chi Chi's Mexican Restaurant, Black Bear Casino, Baja Billy's and Perkins at the Mall, all as a Manager. Overall I've been in Management for 20+ years.

5) Volunteer background: most recent Youth Coaching

6) Hobbies: Sports, enjoying friends and family

7) Your address and contact information: 3717 W. 4th Street Duluth Minnesota phone 218 590 4617

8) The Hillside and the Lincoln Park neighborhoods are some of the most ethnically diverse areas in the city of Duluth . How do you see this ethnic diversity as an asset to Duluth ?

Our first house was in the East Hillside, our church is St Mary' Star of the Sea. The people of Duluth are our greatest asset, it could become better with Commercial Mixed use areas in neighborhoods to share the ethnic diversity.

9) Some people blame the increase in neighborhood problems such as crime on immigrants from Chicago , Milwaukee and Minneapolis . Do you think it's true?

It may be true that some recent criminal events involve people that came from Chicago and Milwaukee, and Minneapolis, we have also had criminal events which are local citizens in all of our neighborhoods. An all to common cause is drugs.

9a) If so, what do we do about it?

Increase police presence in our nieghborhoods, continue to improve neighborhood watch programs and take the time to know your neighbors.

9 b) If not, why not?

I came to Duluth in 1990 from the Twin Cities to get my life back in order as I am Recovering Alcoholic, drugs and alcohol issues start with demand, the more demand the more suppliers will move into the market place. It doesn't matter where the people come from, as a neighbor it is more why are they moving here? Is it because they have vacationed here and want to make a go of it. Is it friends and family , if we invest emotionally into our neighborhoods to know our neighbors we can work together to welcome the visitor, students and relocated.

10) It is estimated that 15 percent of Duluthians are living below the poverty line including 15.4% of those under age 18 and 9.5% of those age 65. What are some of your ideas to bring Duluthians out of poverty?

Because of life's changes I understand this issue very well, part of the reason I would like an additional pay check. We need to focus our efforts on creating a business enviroment which attracts business to our city and our area. I can not support ordinences such as "Project Labor" which favors a portion of Duluth's Work Force and leave the rest behind. Get the City Council out of DEDA, we have Citizens with much more knowledge and knowhow, we need them to become DEDA. The new economy, tech focused and Eco are opportunities for everyone, lets make it our focus to be a leader.

11) The city has a mandatory recycling law yet walking by many people’s homes it is obvious that they do not recycle. Is recycling important?

Is it important yes, I was on the Citizen Advisory Committee to the City Council on developing Recycling Program for the City of White Bear Lake. My observation is our young adults can lead the way to getting people to "want to do it." Consumers can direct this much better than Goverment.

12) Why do we have a law on the books if it isn’t going to be enforced?

We don't have resources to enforce all laws nor can the court system keep up. Part of the issue long ago was everyone going to manditory recycling and the markets were not there for recycled products, which is why no one could enforce such laws.

13) Over-flowing garbage cans are a problem in lower East Hillside . Many of the homes where this is a problem are rental units. What kinds of ideas do you have to prompt landlords to encourage their tenants to take better care of their property?

Focus on the problem the problem gets larger, focus on the solutions the problems will go away. It really is a communication issue for neighborhoods, tenants and landlords alike. Getting people involved in common causes has great outcomes.

14) In the last census, Duluth had a dearth of people age 24 to 35? What can be done to attract and keep this population in Duluth ?

Every area outside the Twin Cities is asking the same question, with that said we have an asset which many other areas don't have, Lake Superior. We pass ordeniences against , skate boarding downtown, "hanging out", we complain that we don't want the students in our neighborhood, add parking and limited rentals as solutions. None of which sounds very welcoming to me , I would suggest focusing on welcoming our students, welcome our youth, create a enviroment which "attracts" and accepts rather than limits.

15) This city has yet to settle the retiree’s health care budget. What type of action would you take?

The same issue that bankrupt Airlines, Steel Industry and now Automakers are trying to figure it out. The idea was great at the time. The Task Force has done a nice job addressing how to get through this if everyone is willing to work together. I will follow that recommendation and add a time table to finalize this issue.

16) Is paying for health care a problem that needs to be addressed on the city, state or national level? National, not only do the citizens need an overhall so do businesses that want to offer benefits to their employees. Costs are effecting every everyone.

17) Have you or anyone you know, had trouble paying a health care bill or worried about how much health care would cost?
Yes we are making monthly payments right now for the next 3 years after depleting our saving on a $ 4000 ,4 hour visit to the emergency room.

18) Do the city departments work well together? How can inter-department work be done more efficiently?

Can they work better together the answer is a strong yes, it will be challenging to get to that point but ask a majority of busnesses you either change with the times or you stop existing.

19) What makes you unique as a candidate for city office?

Being in the hospitality industry is about serving people, it is my nature to do so. Call me old fashion but I believe in Goverment for the people , by the people. That is what I see is missing today, who is standing up for the people, the taxpayer ? The only endorsement I care to have is that of the citizens, you are paying my wages you deserve my best efforts. I have no magic wand, but I will be as fair, honest and straight forward as I can be for all concerns.

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