Monday, September 03, 2007

John Socha answers "The Hillsider" Quesionnaire

John Socha Candidate for Mayor

Life long resident of Duluth's central hillside

U W S Graduate

1976 Psychology

Self employed Patriot Aerial Photography

private pilot

Charitable Gaming

Mgmt.Tribute Softball Promotions

Military Service US Army 1970-72

Help seniors in my neighborhood

Avid Outdoorsman

Health Conscious

YMCA member

Contact Information

PO Box 44255 8018.

Ethnic diversity ???

We are all citizens of Duluth. We all belong to one population.There are no differences in our human nature.Our ideals and values reflect on our city and to that end we are as one.

9. Affordable housing in Duluth is for its scitizens, funded by its citizens.Transients seeking refuge here must be intensively screened , and offered no guarantee of occupancy.

10. Poverty concerns all communities.Solutions include humanitarian assistance provided for by city, county, state and federal programs.Being aware and sensitive to its growth or decline will assist in maintaining control over its existence.

11. 12. 13. Recycling must be demanded of waste disposal services.Landlords must insist on recycling from their tenants or be cited for violations of the recycling mandate.When citizens complain of improper waste control at rental units in their neighborhood accountability falls on the occupants and landlord .Violations will be cited.

14. What can a city offer its citizens to maintain their interests to stay in Duluth ??

Employment may not be the whole answer. Promoting a wholesome environment may retain their interest. One without crime, one with abundant healthy activities, one which nurtures a bright future. Just how that is accomplished has mystified many communities, not only Duluth.

15. Those recipients of the program must be made aware of it's unrealistic nature and nobly accept a more realistic healthcare program.The citizens should not be responsible for funding such an extraordinary program especially when the future of Duluth and its citizens hangs in the balance.

16. Health care is provided to a degree from county and state programs which base payment on income status.The best deterrent to paying high healthcare premiums is a healthy lifestyle.

17. Healthcare costs are no doubt a constant concern of all citizens in Duluth. Our county and state programs are among the best in the nation which attracts too many transients seeking their benefits.

18. Providing trenchant leadership and a clear focus of our goals will unify all departments to providing productivity efficiently.

19. As a candidate for mayor there is nothing unique.We all share the same concerns; we all seek the best leadership to provide our services.

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