Friday, May 11, 2007

Deadline for the June issue is Tues., May 15

This Sunday is Mother's Day. "The Hillsider" hopes you find time to phone your mom or another special woman in your life.

Now, it is already time to think ahead for June, which includes Father's Day, Flag Day, the end of school and the start of summer. Do you have an article about fathers, or special events taking place next month? We encourage you to contribute to the June issue.

Perhaps you have a product or service you would like to advertise.

Please remember the Deadline is Tuesday, May 15th at 12 noon.

Board Meeting
You are welcome to join us at the board meeting to share ideas for "The Hillsider."

Monday, May 14
928 1/2 E. Fourth St.
(In back of the Dannie Duluth Building)
6:30 p.m.

I look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions or will have trouble meeting the deadline please contact me right away.
