Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Printing and Distribution Day

Tony, an employee, of Print Corp, adjusts a plate in the humongous printer at Print Corp in Carlton.

Board president, Bruce Howell, and board vice president, Scott Yeazle, stand next to the proof sheet as it is under glass and soon to be photographed to be made into negatives for the printing process.

Now it is Wednesday morning. Time to get the paper printed.

We print the paper at Print Corp, a printer in Carlton. So, in a few minutes, I will be heading on down to Paper Hog to pick up the 11 by 17 sheets of paper which I then drive to Print Corp. They literally take photos of them. They take the huge negatives and make them into plates.

I will bring my little doggie with me. She loves going to Carlton. We go for walks while we wait for the paper to print. Sometimes we have a picnic lunch or visit Jay Cooke State Park. Sometime we visit Cloquet and "The Warming House" which is next to "Gordy's Hi Hat Cafe" I can then work on the e-newsletter because they have Internet access.

After a few hours the papers are done printing and Tony at Print Corp loads up my vehicle with 4,000 papers, sometimes even more. I will come back to Duluth and begin the distribution process. It's a long day today (as was yesterday) and I am usually very tired.

The goal is to have them all out by Saturday morning. Would you like to help distribute the "Hillsider" today, Thursday or Friday?