Thursday, January 03, 2008

City law: shovel your sidewalk within 24 hours after the end of every snow fall

Lots of people walk in Central Hillside, East Hillside and Lincoln Park. Children, disabled people and others depend on clear sidewalks and the City of Duluth is asking residents, “ Please be diligent in removing snow from sidewalks and boulevards, particularly in school zones.”

With unusually high amounts of snow already on the ground, residents are reminded of city ordinance which requires snow to be removed from residential sidewalks within 24 hours of the end of a snowstorm.

Sec. 45-56. Abutter defined: For the purposes of this Division, the word abutter shall mean any person who owns, leases or otherwise lawfully occupies any parcel of land, which abuts any public sidewalk with the city. (Ord. No. 5915, § 1; Ord. No. 9353, 11-10-1997,1.)
Sec. 45-57. Duty of abutters--within 24 hours: All abutters shall remove or cause to be removed sufficient snow falling on any public sidewalk abutting such parcel of land within 24 hours after the end of every snowfall to create a clear path of a minimum width of 36 inches. (Ord. No. 5915, § 3; Ord. No. 9353, 11-10-1997, 2.)

“We ask for the cooperation of our citizens, especially in those areas where children congregate and walk,” Public Works and Utilities.

Director Jim Benning said, “It’s important for safety reasons that people stay on the sidewalks and not in the streets. We’ve received very good cooperation from our citizens in compliance with ordinance in the past and we hope for another good season this year in this regard.”