Saturday, August 04, 2007

Scars Represent Healing

As I sat with my head hung down, feeling condemned, shame, and guilty because I didn’t please people, I heard God say, “Daughter lift up your head, you have my permission to go and grow.”
I said, “Daddy but I am so wounded.
Where am I going to go?
What am I going to do?”
He said, “Right Leg!”
I said, “What? What does my right leg have to do with this pity party I’m having?”
I looked down at my right leg at the big scar I got when I fell at about 6 years of age.
My Abba (Big Daddy) said, “That’s right! Scars represent healing, teaching lessons and character building!
Get up daughter!
Rise and shine!
For you will always be the apple of my eye Beloved.
By Prophetess Naomi-Tamar