Debbie Isabell Nelson at her office at NHS
Isabell Nelson will implement neighborhood revitalziation plans and community outreach at NHS
Debbie Isabell Nelson has been hired as Neighborhood Coordinator at Neighborhood Housing of Duluth, 224 E. 4th St. Debbie will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of neighborhood revitalization plans and community outreach.
Debbie has lived in Duluth all her life. She grew up in Lincoln Park and is a 29 year resident of Morgan Park. Forty years ago, at age 13, she was the president of a Harrison Community Club’s teen board, so community activism has always been an important part of her life.
Debbie will work with neighborhood groups to help communities identify what is needed to revitalize. She said actual residents of communities are best suited to help identify what changes are needed in a community, but often don’t know where to start. Other organizations are helpful in star up of revitalization. Nelson said, “I believe in renovating. Duluth’s housing stock is beautiful. We need to maintain the history of the neighborhood.” Nelson has also volunteered on the Duluth Comprehensive plan.
In some neighborhoods form letters are sent out to residents and landlords of problem properties. Nelson is hoping that this action can be used in other neighborhoods also.
Nelson is working with the community clubs to spur residents and send a message to the city that community policing needs to be fully funded. (See previous entry in the blog.)
Nelson owned and operated Debbie’s Day Care in Morgan Park from 1983 to 2003. She cared for over 170 children during her tenure, while raising her two sons as a single parent. She is a 1970 graduate of Denfield High School.
Earlier this year members of the Morgan Park Community Club nominated her for the Duluth Hall of Fame award. Even though she didn’t receive the award, she was honored by the nomination. Here are two excerpted paragraphs from the nomination letter.
Anyone who knows Debbie and has spent any time around her knows some of her history—taking on and beating the city about her sewage floods, being a catalyst in the city’s decision to move ahead with the MP sewer project AND to keep it funded with CDBG dollars.—her leadership in bringing together diverse groups in pursuit of consensus for the Beautification Project, her creativity in getting all of the age groups in Morgan Park, the seniors, the family people and the youth (especially the youth) involved in this project. Add to that the building of bridges and encouraging cooperation between the homeowners, landlords and renters, and her enthusiasm comes shining through.
The other thing that comes through so very clearly is her ability to visualize and conceptualize what the future should look like, and probably MOST importantly the ability to communicate that vision to the people around her, as well as making them believe in that vision and wanting to make the changes it will take.
Nelson’s family includes her husband Carl, two sons and daughter-in-laws - Peter & Diane and Joshua & Maureen, 3 step kids - Kate, Eric & Scott, along with 4 grandchildren, Ali, Lydia, AJ and Karou, with one more due in October. Visit the Neighborhood Housing Services website at www.nhsduluth.org or phone them at 218-727-8604.