Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Duluth Police Department
Press Release

Party Patrols net 40 violators over the weekend
Over the weekend on Friday and Saturday nights, Duluth police responded to disturbing party
calls in the neighborhoods surrounding the colleges. Annually, police are inundated with party
calls and disturbances directly related to college students moving into the community for the start of college. Neighborhoods surrounding the colleges have told the Department disturbing parties are a priority problem effecting quality of life.

As a result, police responded to 20 complaints of parties and disturbances between the hours of
9pm and 3am on both Friday and Saturday nights. The following charges were the result of
police investigations into the complaints: 32 were cited for underage consumption, 3 were cited
for disorderly conduct, 5 requests for charges for Gross Misdemeanor sales to underage persons
and 2 people were taken to the Duluth Detoxification Center.

The enforcement activity was made possible by a Community Crime Prevention Grant awarded to the Duluth Police Department by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. The grant allowed the Department to hire police officers on overtime bolstering the number of officers responding to the party calls.